Thursday, September 4, 2008

Basis of Religion

The basis of religion is composed of two main aspects that are prevalent in all religions. These are beliefs and rituals. People feel that if they carry out certain precise rituals, whether it be singing certain songs or facing a certain direction while praying, then they will be rewarded for following the right steps after death. What religions produce is a standard of living for every person. The belief that a higher being knows your actions and sees your moves creates a sense of obedience for the person. The common belief is that the world is broken up into two categories, the sacred and the profane. The sacred are things that have to be treated with a higher level of respect. The sacred have a connection with something more powerful and must be treated accordingly. The profane is all of the other things in the world, which can be viewed and treated with little to no significance in a religious sense. People believe that through carefully following the sacred rituals and living the strict lifestyles that religions teach, they will be rewarded after life. With everyone living their life under strict order of their religion, complete self-instilled order amongst all peoples occurs. 

1 comment:

Transects said...

This doesn't look very much like the reading. Please include some more specifics from the reading. Revise accordingly.