Friday, September 26, 2008

Technology of Choice: Stem cell research

1. What are the catalysts of the technology or science in support of the state?

 1. It allows for some dead tissue to be regenerated and work like normal again

 2. It opens up doors for new technological advancements in the field of medicine and human

 3. It puts America ahead of the curve for medical research. With The U.S. being able to regenerate human tissue, it changes many illnesses and ways of treating them.


 2. What are the corrosions of the technology or science that undermine the support of the state?


  1. It puts into question whether the fetus that the stem cells come from is a living person which taking the cells by aborting the fetus would be murder.

 2. It puts the research on a dangerous path in which cloning comes into question because it devalues human life.

 3. It divides the people up over a topic that people feel strongly about, which creates a split in the population.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

How a technology is political

Since the beginning of humans, when a woman got pregnant she had no choice but to have the child. As of recent, advances in technology and science have developed processes in which women can have abortions where there is little risk for the mother. This touches on a very sensitive topic, which many are strongly opinionated about. This is a very political technology for many reasons. It gives every woman the right to decide after consumption if they want to have the baby and also if they feel that a fetus is a baby. In the case of abortion, the two main political parties have strong feelings on what they believe is right. The topic requires that certain social conditions be created for those who support the abortion. Many rallies have occurred over the topic, laws have tried to be passed, and court cases have been held (Roe vs. Wade). The topic also complicates political ties with people and parties because if someone is against abortion, they are assumed to be conservative and believe all conservative views. The forum for discussion and argument cannot be closed because with every baby that is consumed, the question can be asked; should I do what’s best for me or what’s best for the baby? This is a question with only opinion-based answers so no one can be right. 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why science is a social enterprise

Science is a social enterprise. Without society to support its development, science wouldn’t exist. The great questions that were once explained through religious beliefs have taken on new approaches in the form of science. Science changes society with every advancement that is discovered. Scientists strive to uncover new information and verify them as facts. Then as Kitcher states, society in the form of funding agencies chooses to pursue whatever information is in the best interest for the people. There are also social sides of science that have lead to the advancements of many people such as feminist movements and environmentalist movements. With the help of sociologists and historians, women have gained great amounts of power and respect through research of how women have been treated and how to better empower women so that they can help society. It’s important to remember that science is a social enterprise for several reasons.   Society controls the values and ethics that scientists abide with. Even though science uses proven facts and tested theories, it still needs society for everything, like money and people to use the information on. Much of the information that comes from science is formulated from studying people, i.e. society. Science is a means of gaining knowledge for the good of society.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Basis of Religion

The basis of religion is composed of two main aspects that are prevalent in all religions. These are beliefs and rituals. People feel that if they carry out certain precise rituals, whether it be singing certain songs or facing a certain direction while praying, then they will be rewarded for following the right steps after death. What religions produce is a standard of living for every person. The belief that a higher being knows your actions and sees your moves creates a sense of obedience for the person. The common belief is that the world is broken up into two categories, the sacred and the profane. The sacred are things that have to be treated with a higher level of respect. The sacred have a connection with something more powerful and must be treated accordingly. The profane is all of the other things in the world, which can be viewed and treated with little to no significance in a religious sense. People believe that through carefully following the sacred rituals and living the strict lifestyles that religions teach, they will be rewarded after life. With everyone living their life under strict order of their religion, complete self-instilled order amongst all peoples occurs. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why I took Sts200

I am currently a psych major and while it satisfies some Gen Ed requirements, there were other reasons why i chose this class. I found it interesting how Science and Technology have evolved and interacted with each other in society. I would like to further examine the ways that we as people have built this world and how everything is connected.